We buy the majority of our components in USA and ship to Shenzhen, China for PCB (printed circuit board) assembly. Small quantity (<4000 units) PCB assembly is a labor intensive process, because manual labor is needed to organize/sort/inventory hundreds of types of component in cut-tapes, which is why even PCB companies in US out-source PCB assembly to China. We are currently experiencing a little longer than expected Chinese Customs clearance time. Before, our shipment from USA clear Chinese customs in a few days, now it has been more than a week. There should be about 1 week delay from originally planned ship date. We will have to establish a different method of production to avoid going through Chinese customs in the future.

Calling custom URL on each type of event, and allowing user to download raw motion & temperature statistic data as Excel spreadsheet (CSV) have now been implemented and are available to our existing and future customers. The Web/android app user manual has been updated. 

Custom URL calling allows you to integrate our product with Web service (REST endpoint) enabled home automation systems such as Insteon/ISY by Universal Devices. For example, you can turn on a light when door is opened, or motion is detected. In another example, you can turn off every light at your home when a tag (that may be attached to your key chain) is out of range.

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