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 We are pleased to announce that all Wireless Tags PRO you buy on or after May 27 will include these exclusive updates:

  • Choosing too hot/too cold temperature monitoring thresholds at 0.02°C step:
    The Wireless Tag PRO uses the same digital temperature and humidity sensor IC as Wireless Tag (with 13-bit temperature/humidity) which has a resolution of 0.02°C (13-bit). However, until now thresholds were stored in 8-bit numbers, so you were only able to set thresholds at ~0.6°C step (the accuracy of the threshold is unchanged with this update). This update is especially powerful when used in conjunction with Nest/Honeywell WiFi thermostats, because you are now able to regulate temperature much more precisely using too hot/too cold events from sensor tags.
  • Programmable sampling-rate for temperature monitoring:
    This allows trading off battery consumption with the response time of the tag to temperature events. Because the tag only transmits readings when the temperature crosses a threshold, not when every time it samples (checks if temperature is too high or too low), setting a fast sampling-rate like every 30 seconds has much less impact on battery life than setting a 30 second auto-update interval.
  • Hardware delayed notification:
    When you are using the tag to monitor temperature inside a fridge or freezer, your purpose is to get notified when the compressor breaks down or exhibit chronic problems. You probably don't want to get notified when temperature increases temporarily because the fridge/freezer door is opened for loading/unloading. "Delayed notification" allows the too-hot or too-cold event to be transmitted only when the sensor reads too-hot or too-cold for a programmable number of times, in a row. A similar feature is available currently in a KumoApp script but it was based on auto-update/logging data points, and drained battery more quickly because a relatively short auto-update interval must be used for it to work. 

New temperature options in Web/Android and iOS (2.4.11+) available with the new Wireless Tag PRO
