We are pleased to release an improved Web/Android app (version 2.8+) with a more logically organized, more touch optimized user interface.

In this redesign, our goal was
- Often used option screens should be easier to open with 1 click, instead of first clicking "Options..." then choose from a long, confusing menu listing choices about unrelated features together. Now temperature/humidity/motion/etc option screen can be opened by clicking on the temperature/humidity/motion/etc display.
- instead of grouping status display and options of unrelated features together, everything related to one feature, such as "temperature sensor", "motion sensor", "light" should be grouped under its own button. This way if a user does not use a feature, he/she can simply ignore the button for that feature.
- The buttons should be stress-free to press on smartphones/tablets. Now the button for each feature are closer to square shape just like app icon on home screen.
The end results felt so much better compared with the old Web user interface, we wonder why we did not think of these sooner and let people live with such a confusing interface for so long.
Your comments are welcome!
EDIT (April 21): Keyboard navigation: You can now use TAB key to jump through each buttons, and press ENTER key to activate button/open menu. When a menu is opened, you can use UP/DOWN ARROW key to choose, and press ENTER key to confirm. or press ESC key to close the menu. When an option screen is open, you can use ALT+LEFT ARROW key to go back / close the option screen without saving.