Australian Quality Care Pharmacy Program ("QCPP", standard AS 85000.2017) and "Strive for 5" mandate manual checking and record keeping of refrigerator temperature twice daily, once in the morning before business opens and once in the evening.

Wireless Sensor Tags and Outdoor Probes provide automated email reporting of max, min, and average temperature, humidity, or ambient light which can be configured twice-daily (sent at 8AM and 8PM by default), daily, weekly, or monthly to satisfy this requirement with a simple click (acknowledgement by forwarding the email, for example).

The email will contain all necessary information as well as direct link to view the temperature graph of the specific sensor for the specific date range of the report.

We did not know anything about QCPP and only learned about this from our customers in Australia. As we strive to make life easier for our customers we implemented the feature as soon as learning about it. If you have any feature request like this please do not hesitate to leave a comment.